Corporate Fasting Pt 1

By: Pastor Zane Sporleder

Fasting is a practice that God’s people have participated in for thousands of years. It is shown, encouraged, and commanded in scripture as a way of physically connecting to spiritual realities. As the summer comes to a close, would you consider fasting in preparation for what God has for you and our church in the coming season?

Two primary reasons for fasting shown in the scripture are: mourning and seeking God’s wisdom. I would like to encourage a fast in order to connect and pray through these two themes.

There is much to mourn about in the world we live in. Sin and suffering abound and yet often times we become distracted and dulled to these realities. Fasting can be a way of intentionally and physically putting on suffering to help us identify with the sin and suffering all around us. Connecting with these realities by denying a bodily need such as food, can heighten our awareness of the suffering and sinful patterns in our own lives and the world around us. When our sensitivities are awakened, we then can seek peace, restoration, repentance and are encouraged to cry out to God for help and healing.

Likewise, the world we live in can be confusing. Competing voices, lust of the flesh, and elevation of self can make hearing from God very difficult. Our heart may be willing to follow him, but we’re not sure what's true and what’s a lie, what's of God and what is our own thoughts drowning out the Spirit. Fasting, by withholding a bodily need can help us remember our reliance on God alone to sustain us. By denying our bodies food, we may more rightly be able to say with Jesus, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish his work”. Often times in scripture God’s people would fast in seeking His will and I think it remains a helpful practice as we desire to seek His will and follow Him.

Because of these two primary themes seen in fasting, I’d like to encourage a corporate two day fast. The first day focusing on mourning, repenting, and crying out to God for restoration. The second day focusing on seeking His will for your life and the Church of God. 

I am planning on fasting Friday the 25th and Saturday the 26th and breaking my fast at communion on Sunday, with the church lunch to follow. I would love it if those from our church would join me in any way that you're able and see fit. There are many variables that can effect participation in this fast. Schedule, health, age, etc are all things to consider when deciding if and how you might join in this fast. I hope you feel freedom and encouragement to seek God and not to just check a box. If these dates don’t work for you, fasting on a different day or week  is still a great option. Also, fasting will look different for everyone. I don’t recommend complete abstinence of food for children, pregnant women, those on medication, etc, but that doesn’t mean you can't participate. Skipping one meal, cutting out sweets, or getting calories through nutrient rich drinks can be great ways to participate while making sure you’re not taking unnecessary risks.  Likewise, there are other ways to participate in fasting that don’t include food at all. Fasting from spending money, technology or other modern conveniences can help you identify with suffering and provide more time for you to connect with Christ. I hope this can be a time of spiritual renewal for each of us and our church as we close out the summer and enter into the fall.