Community Care Fund Update: Part 2


Part 2

Matthew 28:18-20

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

The Community Care Fund grew out of God’s provision and blessing on our church during the COVID-19 season in the spring of 2020. Shattering the original request, as of August 2020 $14,617.49 has been given to the Community Care Fund. This is over-and-above normal giving, while making regular budget in May and July!

To date, $10,500 has been given out on a requested basis at the discretion of our elder team. From funding an adoption, paying bills because of job loss or reduction, covering medical bills, and reaching out to isolated individuals because of COVID, our church has gone far and near to spread His love and grace. States Thang, “To us as the church, we get to in small ways express the goodness of God in our lives and express that this is how Gods economy and Kingdom works.”

Here are some of the ways the Community Care Fund has impacted our congregation and our extended community. We praise God for his glorious ways!

  • Candace and Sean Leenhouts have been in the adoption process for several years and CCF was able to fund part of their ongoing costs to bring their child home.

  • The Pham family’s neighbor expressed need related to this season and received help, allowing the family to share the love of Christ with her. “This community care fund has given us And allowed us to see a part of Gods abundant wealth and care! He truly does own the cattle on a thousand hills*,” shares Thang.

  • A family member in South America needed help with medical costs, and our community was able to pray for healing and comfort. 

  • Bridge Disability Ministries received help with care packages for many of their residents who are particularly isolated during COVID. Shares a Bridge friend, “My favorite part of the packages were the little cards that talked about Jesus and His love. I don’t know if that was anyone else’s favorite, but for me, it was perfect.” – Crystal

This list is only a few ways that God has worked through the Community Care Fund. Our friends, neighbors, and others we’ve never met have received provision through the generous giving of so many in our midst, out of the generosity received from Christ in this time. For that we say “thank you” to our congregation and our Father the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is still more available to share and funds continue to be welcome if God lays it on your heart to give to the CCF. May this spirit of generosity continue and may we continue to go where He leads.

*Psalm 50:10-11

For every beast of the forest is mine

 the cattle on a thousand hills,

I know all the birds of the hills,

and all that moves in the field is mine.