The Future of Eldership at the Vine


Past 2+ Years

For the past 2+ years the primary leadership of the Vine Church has rested in the hands of an Interim Leadership Team (ILT), comprising of a combined leadership through the merger. Their role was to merge two church cultures and establish the long term elders of the Vine Church. Today this team consists of Brandon Hudson, Thien Lai, John Hanson & Tim Klassen. We are thankful to our past ILT members: Scott Ritter, Dave Beaulieu, Bill Munson, Dave Jordan & Larry Holland for their service to this team. I personally want to thank all of those who have served on this team and sacrificed for Jesus’ church, they are deeply appreciated.

Current Status

The past few years the ILT has spent time training for future eldership. This training involved:

  1. Biblical study of eldership - studying the Scriptures & different resources to better understand this important role.
  2. Personal assessment -  time thinking/praying and writing about their individual call to eldership.
  3. Peer assessment - this time of detailed questioning is designed to help decipher call, character, theology & readiness for this position.
  4. Vote & Installation - the remaining ILT members will discuss the elders candidates and vote on the final elders

The current elder candidates are Brandon Hudson, Thien Lai, John Hanson, Tim Klassen & Thang Pham. We are about half way through the peer assessment phase. Please be in prayer for God to continue to give clarity to these men.

Future Plan

The goal moving forward is to have these assessments done in December and to install the permanent elders by the 1st of the year. When this is done the elders will be presented to the church, installed and prayed for. The elders will then dedicating themselves to prayer, Scripture, ministry oversight and vision.  As one of the current ILT members I can sense a general excitement for this to take place. I believe Jesus is greatly unifying His servant-leaders and I’m very hopeful for our immediate future. 

Future Elder Candidates

Once this is all done and our permanent elders are in place, we will begin to train and assess other men in the church with a perceived call to eldership. Please let us know if you think this might be you!


I ask that you continue to pray for the elders(ILT). Your prayers have been tremendously appreciated over the past few years and they are needed more than you know. We'd love for you to get to know these men as they care for Jesus' church. 

Pastor Brandon Hudson