The Dark Night in the Garden
As we are preparing for Easter Sunday, we are remembering the path Jesus took to the cross. The children have been learning about how Jesus was unknowingly anointed for burial by Mary’s tears and how he served his disciples by washing their feet as “The Servant King.”
Read “A Dark Night in the Garden” in the Jesus Storybook Bible, and/or watch the video here (first story in video link).
For older children, read the story in the ESV (Luke 22, Mark 14, and/or John 18).
Use these excerpts from the Jesus Storybook Bible curriculum to lead your children in discussion about the story. PDF
Here are some questions about the story. Give each child two cards, one “Yes” and one “No.” Ask them each question and have them raise their Yes or No card in response. PDF
Print this activity sheet and work with your children to unscramble the words. PDF
Please feel free to give in your usual methods.
Mailing checks or cash to the church is still possible as a staff member will continue to check the mail each week.
Online Giving is available if you would like to give a one time or to setup a continual weekly offering.
Check in on fellow members of our church. A phone call or a text will go a long way in helping us all weather this storm.
If you are well, consider helping those in need. Give to Nourishing Network, our ministry partner in the Edmonds School District. These community guidelines and closures will affect the vulnerable in our community the hardest. Love Jesus by loving people.
Keep a close eye on your neighbors to see where you and our church can be a blessing. There are many in our communities who are not connected to a church home. This is our opportunity to be the church in real ways. Caring for those who are alone will show His love in ways we may not be able to calculate.
Help the church staff & elders stay connected with people in need. People quarantined may need deliveries. Those out of work many need financial assistance. Families suffering may need pastoral care. Our church is here to help!
Above all, pray for healing and comfort in this time of community need. This has all passed through God’s hand to us, and He will be glorified through it all.
“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”
1 Corinthians 4:16-18
Thank you for worshiping with us! We’ll see you online next week!