2018 Budget & Giving


2018 Budget & Giving

Each new year brings talk of resolutions, goals and plans. While we each consider these things in our own lives, the leadership has been doing the same for the next year of The Vine Church. One specific area of focus for 2018 has been the church finances and budget. Voting has ended and the budget did pass with 92%. Thank you to all who participated in the planning, meetings, communication, and voting. 

As you are likely aware, we decided, in order to be good stewards, our plan for 2018 would require budget cuts in all spending categories. Making cuts is always hard as it affects ministries and people we deeply care about. While this is difficult, I am praying and seeking the good God has in it. Experience has shown me that following Jesus often involves loss, but not purposeless loss; it is usually a cleansing loss—something necessary in order to set a good foundation God will build on in the future.

Please join us in praying and seeking the Holy Spirit regarding how you might give to Jesus’s work here at the Vine Church. My mind considers many thoughts of the various ways Jesus might advance His work at the Vine. As funds are likely needed for most of these possibilities, I know God has no lack of resources and He’ll provide what we need as we seek Him and the advancement of His Kingdom. Pray for this next year of the church and all God will lead us through. Ask God how He might want you to participate in His church.

Pastor Brandon Hudson