Meet our new kids director - Addie Gerlach

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This past Sunday the Vine Church joyously installed our new kids director. We are thrilled to have Addie Gerlach serving in this role and we wanted to do a short interview for you to get to know her better.

Tell us a little about where you grew up and how you came to live in the Seattle area?

I grew up in Astoria, Oregon, a small town of 10,000. I moved to Seattle to attend the UW, which dwarfed my tiny town. I met Bill in college (in swing dancing class) and we married in 2002. I’ve lived in this area ever since. I graduated from UW in 2006 with an M.Ed. in Special Education.

How about your family, what should we know about your spouse and kids? What are some favorite hobbies in the Gerlach home?

We have five kids, and they all seemed to just arrive even though we tried to space them out. I wouldn’t have it any other way. We homeschool. Having a big family and homeschooling was definitely not in the plans for my life when I imagined adulthood, but I love the way we organize our life. We spend so much time together and my family (fortunately and unfortunately) get to see all sides of me, good and bad. In our spare time, we work in our garden, go camping, play board games and watch movies. I enjoy reading and writing in my spare time.

What about your faith in Jesus, when/how did you become a Christian? What are some of your highs and lows of walking with Jesus?

I met Jesus when I was 14, but “re-met” him when I was about 30. He broke thru my religion and legalism. Before 30, I definitely practically believed that I was justified by my works. It was life-changing to have that philosophy turned upside down as I was humbled to see that it’s only on Jesus’ works that I have any chance. Life didn’t just “get better” when I came to that realization; a lot of dark days came afterward for years. I very much feel that I’ve had to “work out my salvation with fear and trembling.”

How has God lead in you taking on the role as kids director at The Vine? Also, what are some of your hopes/dreams for this ministry?

I came into the role in Kids Ministry because I wanted to serve. I am surprised by this course of events in my life; it has been challenging but has ultimately required me to lean on Jesus. I hope I can be a part of making the culture at The Vine healthier and fulfilling for those who serve. I hope that people would come to meet Jesus through kids ministry and serving in kids ministry. I hope that kids ministry is a part of the greater whole of our church, that these kids would grow up to lead our church in the coming decades. I hope that my contribution will be small in comparison to where He is leading The Vine. I hope that people come to know Him in new ways and be challenged to see His Grace in all things.

The Vine Church